What We Do
As our mission states, Sustainable Lafayette's goals are to inspire our community to act and advocate for environmental health and justice.
Local Action -
Raising Chickens
Lafayette resident, Papa John Kiefer offers in-person workshops on Raising Chickens in Your Backyard, and Sustainable Coop Principles and Construction.
The Kiefer Sustainable Coop provides all the natural elements for chickens to be healthy, productive and safe. It is unique in that there is no smell and no cleaning.
Contact: raisingchickenssustainably@gmail.com
Visit: www.raisingchickenssustainably.com

Green Gatherings
Each Friday, a group of like-minded community friends gather at local coffee shops to discuss environmental topics and issues impacting our community. Reach out to Brad Crane for more information.

Earth Day
Lafayette Earth Day Festival:
Every year Sustainable Lafayette partners with the City of Lafayette, Chamber of Commerce and the Lafayette Library and Learning Center to host the annual festival, free to the public. More info on this year's event.

Youth Engagement
Sustainable Lafayette works closely with the city's youth organizations to guide our next generation of stewards in sustainable ways. We offer the LEAF Award to students who have ideas for bringing sustainable activities to the community.