Springhill Elementary Garden Party a Success

Lauren Deal, Heidi Doggett, Jessica Chandler & Laural Roaldson of Laural Landscapes leading the garden party

Last Saturday, a determined crew of parents, kids and professional landscapers and gardeners gathered at the Springhill Elementary Garden. With a bright sun climbing the sky they started early and didn’t stop until the work was done; and then enjoyed some ice cream. The work party consisted of folks from Broadmoor Landscape Supply, Laural Landscapes, Lamorinda Kitchen & Bath and members of Cub Scout Pack 200.

To help make the event successful, Rachel Whalen & her husband Ted Broadmoor of Broadmoor Landscape Supply generously donated all of the stone and other materials for a new rodent-proof greenhouse floor. The couple also donated, and helped spread out, all of the decomposed granite that covers the pathways through the garden. Not only that, but Broadmoor Landscape Supply has provided enormous amounts of soil and compost for two seasons now. They are incredible and the Springhill Garden would not be the same without them.
Jessica says, “The clean up on Saturday went amazing and now we’re ready to get some fun things started and dig into this Garden Restoration project in full force!” Stay tuned here as new events are announced. Rumor has it that Lauren is a farm-to-table chef and just might schedule some food tasting events!
If you want to learn how to get in on the garden fun, get in touch with Jessica, Heidi or Lauren at springhillgardenteam@gmail.com.